
The experiment was carried out on 18 rabbits in two experimental groups. Group I: animals with complete 15-min cerebral ischemia infused with PGI2 for 3 min before, during and for 15-min after ischemia. Group II = control: animals with complete 15 min cerebral ischemia. In both groups, cell nuclei of the adrenal cortex were examined. In the 3rd and 6th h after ischemia numerous vesicular structures, intranuclear filaments and granulofibrillar bodies were found in the nuclei. The vesicular structures were enclosed in a single smooth membrane, some combined with the nuclear envelope, others remained independent. Amassing in karyoplasm of vesicular structures, intranuclear filaments and granulofibrillar bodies probably leads to death of the adrenal cortex cell after complete cerebral ischemia. It is suggested that vesicular structures may form as the result of disturbances in the water-electrolyte exchange between cytoplasm and karyoplasm of adrenal cells. In the experimental conditions, PGI2 did not affect the development of irreversible ultrastructural changes in adrenal cortex cell nuclei after complete prolonged cerebral ischemia.

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