
An unexpected explosion accident of an LNG transport trailer occurred in China on April 23, 2019, resulting in a massive vapor cloud explosion (VCE) fireball. The outstanding thermal damage induced by the LNG VCE’s fireball is enhanced in open space, which impose a serious threat on injured workers, building destruction, and even raise safety alarm about a potential second catastrophe. According to post-accident investigations of the present accident case, an integrated analysis of the fireball’s characteristics and thermal damage during the explosion accident are performed. Previously, an optimized model for the fireball’s characteristics have been developed based on full-scale experimental validation. It is found that the optimized model can facilitate better predictions in detailed parameters from the LNG VCE’s fireball in this study. Meanwhile, the numerical approach relating PHAST is applied to rebuild real accident scene, and the simulations involved fireball’s thermal hazards and damage radius on human and environment. Comparative research show that a near 100% fatality range is expected within a radius of 162.7 m and there is a harmless area with an ellipse distance of 893.9 m. It aims to bring a new development to predicted model, thereby improving performance of risk assessment on VCE fireball’s thermal damage duo to LNG transport process failure.

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