
Faculty Perspectives on Underprepared Students Dr. Christopher A. Shankle Abstract Ensuring high school students are ready for college course content remains a challenge, as many high school students underestimate the academic skills required to be successful at the postsecondary level. Currently, students in high school still fail to complete a minimal college preparatory curriculum. This disconnect has led to a continual influx of underprepared students attending postsecondary education. With the high number of underprepared students attending postsecondary education, questions have come to light regarding the faculty members’ ability to instruct this growing population. This qualitative study examined the part-time, non-tenure, and tenured faculty member perspectives regarding the importance of assisting underprepared students in the classroom, institutional support provided to the faculty to address underprepared students, and the measures faculty have taken due to underprepared students at a four-year university in a New England state. Results from 6 interviews concluded faculty members were willing to assist underprepared students even though the institution provides inadequate support to the faculty to address the multiple challenges endured in the classroom. Based on the interpretation of the study’s finding the following recommendations need to be considered: (1) Utilizing a full semester professional development course over a 15 week period for faculty members and (2) Establish a peer coaching program with a member from the same department and a member from another department. Full Text: PDF DOI: 10.15640/jpbs.v4n2a4

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