
ntroduction: According to the World Health Organization (WHO, 2017). The number of people using health services in India is 60.4 million people. In other parts of Asia, it was recorded in 38.4 million people who use health services still lack. In Timor-Leste, especially in the district of Manatuto the total OPD patient in the health units of Manatuto reached 79,333 people, children (0-5 years) suffering from malnutrition reached 113 babies, fertility 804, mortality 182 people. This means that most people do not have full access to health facilities in Manatuto. Objective: To discover the factors that influence obedience to access to health facilities in Obrato Village, in Suco Sau, Manatuto Administrative Post of the Municipality of Manatuto. Research Methodology: In this study the researchers used quantitative methods correlate and use the probability sampling technique with simple random sampling type and use questionnaire to collect data. Results: The result was a bivariate analysis of 193 respondents living in Aldeia Obrato with bivariate analysis of knowledge with obedience (p value 0.000 < α 0.05), motivation with obedience (p value 0.000 < α 0.05), family support with obedience (p value 0.000 < α 0.05). Conclusion: It is related to knowledge, motivation, family support and obedience to access to health facilities cited by (Tilman CB & Belo N., 2023).

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