
The present study investigated the relationship between the type of residential area and each factor of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) framework among elderly subjects receiving home-visit rehabilitation. This was a cross-sectional study conducted at two institutions. A total 84 participants (46 men and 38 women, age: 79.1±7.8 years old) who were receiving home-visit rehabilitation in urban and rural areas were examined. The parameters measured included the modified Gait Efficacy Scale (mGES), grip strength, 30-seconds chair stand test (CS-30), Functional Independence Measure (FIM), Life-Space Assessment (LSA), Frenchay Activities Index (FAI), Ikigai-9, and Home and Community Environment (HACE), which is based on the ICF concepts of health status, physical structure, physical and mental functions, activities, participation, personal factors, and environmental factors respectively; these points were evaluated by physical or occupational therapists. The health status was based on the diagnosis obtained from the clinical record. Receiving home-visit rehabilitation in a rural area was significantly associated with the LSA (odds ratio [OR]=1.075, p=0.028), optimistic and positive feelings for life (OR=0.698, p=0.040), and community mobility scores (OR=5.755, p=0.001). Environmental factors, activities, and personal factors differed depending on the region where the elderly subject received home-visit rehabilitation. Thus, intervention methods concerning home-visit rehabilitation may need to be adjusted according to the region where the patient lives.

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