
The article considers the preconditions for sustainable development of the energy sector from the standpoint of political and economic basis of energy transitions, actualizes and reveals the scientific problem of the impact of socio-technical transitions, in particular energy, on economic sustainability. It is determined that the task of assessing the efficiency of the energy system as a set of criteria for achieving a compromise of interests, stability and reliability of energy markets is best solved by assessing energy sustainability. Problems and ways to intensify the use of energy policy levers to promote sustainable energy transitions have been identified. It is determined that with the help of sustainable energy transitions the state is able to overcome its own inefficiency of energy conversion and consumption and to demonstrate the phenomenon of decoupling (economic growth without significant growth of energy consumption). Energy policies and strategies as means of energy transition management are considered: creation of preconditions for their occurrence; acceleration / deceleration, support of current transittions; minimization of negative external factors and social factors of vulnerability to changes in socio-technical regimes; maintaining an optimal energy balance. A deeper understanding of the process of energy transition management, vulnerability of energy systems under their influence has been achieved. Three key factors of energy transition management in order to strengthen the level of energy sustainability and ensure sustainable development of the economy: the course (flow) of transitions, the vulnerability of the economic system under their influence and the level of sustainability of energy transitions. Effective management of such transitions with the help of these factors can be a guarantee of sustainable development not only of the energy sector but also of the economy as a whole and create the conditions for its transition to a sustainable and circular type of development. The management of energy transitions in the energy sector of Ukraine is analyzed on the example of diversification of electricity supply through the operation of small solar power plants in private households.

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