
The article considers two groups of stress factors that complicate the activity of military specialists: group "X", which includes factors of direct emotional impact, and group "Y", which covers factors of indirect emotional impact, and identifies key factors that affect the psyche of servicemen in combat: 1) danger (threat): perception of a real or imaginary threat to life and health; 2) surprise (unexpectedness): the effect of surprise in the choice of time, place or mode of action of the enemy; 3) novelty (unconventionality) of the situation: the gap between expectations and the reality of the combat situation; 4) uncertainty: insufficiency or contradiction of personally significant information. The classification of external and internal factors with positive or negative influence is carried out. It is proved that the variety and specificity of tasks performed by special-purpose units require servicemen to adapt to unique environmental conditions, which put a number of physical and psychological challenges before them. The main causes of neuro-psychological tension of servicemen during airborne operations have been identified. The conclusion is made about the socio-psychological training of servicemen as a key element to ensure the effectiveness of combat operations and the ability to adapt to a wide range of challenges and conditions. The importance of this aspect lies in the development and application of methods that promote the development of stress resistance, psychological flexibility and adaptation to changing operational circumstances. Training should be comprehensive, including the development of intellectual, emotional and volitional qualities, and should focus on the individual psychophysiological characteristics of each serviceman. This not only improves combat readiness and effectiveness, but also ensures health and psychological well-being.

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