
Introduction. Since tourism in Ukraine in recent years has been turning into a dynamic and profitable sector of economic activity, the substantiation and search for ways to improve the quality of services in it is of particular relevance. Access to international markets for tourism services enhances interest and actualizes the study of factors affecting the quality of tourism services in Ukraine. Largely, the implementation of the task of substantiating ways to improve the quality of tourism services in general depends on the activities of the respective hotel and restaurant business institutions and their functional interaction. Methods. Empirical methods and questionnaires were used to establish and identify factors affecting the quality of services in the hotel and restaurant business. The method of abstraction and generalization was used in the study, which allowed us to draw conclusions regarding the prospects and ways to improve the quality of services in the Ukrainian hotel and restaurant business. Results. A study of the factors affecting the quality of services in the hotel and restaurant business allowed them to be classified, to identify the level of influence, to offer ways and measures to smooth out the negative and increase positive trends in this area. The development of a position on possible ways to overcome the negative impact of various factors on the quality of services in the hotel and restaurant business was the logical result of a scientific search, including through the phased implementation of measures to smooth or eliminate each of them. Discussions. The proposals worked out will make it possible to improve the quality of services in the hotel and restaurant business in Ukraine. In the future, more in-depth research is needed on how to develop the composition of hotel and restaurant services, methods of evaluation and quality control, the use of positive foreign experience on these issues, as well as finding ways to improve the use of computers and communications possible technologies in the tourism industry. Keywords: quality, service, tourism, hotel and restaurant business, tourism entities, organization, improvement.

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