
Considering the rise of green nudges, our objective is to determine the factors of their effectiveness through a systematic review, following the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) method, which analyses 28 articles and 73 pro-environmental nudges. Following a redefinition of the concept and a categorisation based on the construal-level theory of psychological distance (opposing the lever of the ‘how’ to that of the ‘why’ of choice), the effectiveness of green nudges is analysed. A relationship of dependence appears between the (in)effectiveness of nudges and (1) the levers, mechanisms and techniques mobilised; (2) the visibility of the behaviour by others; (3) the field of application; and (4) the geographical area. These analyses and the limitations of the work reviewed provide a basis to propose avenues for research. New theoretical insights and recommendations are provided in favour of more effective nudges for the adoption of ecological and responsible behaviours.

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