
Abstract Introduction – Education remains the major tool by which people become empowered; unfortunately, the education industry has suffered low completion rates due to several factors exposed in various studies. Aim – The purpose of this study was to investigate factors contributing to children’s dropout school in Kosovo communities. Methodology – Open ended questionnaire, face to face interview and document analysis were used as sources of data collection instruments. The researchers visited 3 sample locations in Kosovo with majority of communities’ households to collect required data. The study included 70 children who had dropped out of primary school. Results – Regarding the factors that have influenced school dropout by children participating in this study it has resulted that school dropout due to abandonment by their peers (30) and dislike of school (27) are the two main factors. Then, in approximately the same percentage (18–20) are listed factors such as: distance from school to home, displacement of parents, bullying by students, inability to register and negligence of parents and the Municipal Directorate of Education. Conclusions – School dropout due to abandonment by their peers among the children’s participating in the study has turned out to be a dominant factor in school dropout.

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