
Background: This research was conducted to assess factors affecting white mango scale infestation status from August 2018 to April 2019. Methods: Survey data was collected from randomly selected of 7 kebele administration and 35 mango orchards as 5 per kebele administrations within 5-10 km interval. Stratified sampling method was used for selecting 3,150 sample leaves from 35 mango trees for counting the clusters of white mango scale. Result: The survey result showed that temperature in contrary with rain fall and relative humidity was significantly and positively related with the infestation status. Mango orharchds characterstics of old age, tall size, crowded canopy, other plant availability in the orchards, mango trees planted without appropriate spacing and weed infestation provide favourable condition for the aggravation of infestation status. Therefore it is recommended to develop regular inspection, monitoring and appropriate agronomic practices for providing sustainable management approach.

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