
Mobile phone service provider markets are one of the most unstable market atmospheres, now a day due to increased competition and change in the market. Thus, the growing concern requires the marketers to strictly look at customer buying decision and satisfying process and more focus on the factors such as Good network coverage, Family and friends using same network, free connection, free calls, free SMS Facility, Good service and Mini recharge facility that subsequently determine willingness to purchase between different mobile phones and networks. Therefore a sound mobile phone service providers market, which focuses on all needs and wants of customers, is essential for overall growth of telecommunication sector in order to stimulate economic growth in India. As a result of its importance numerous factors need to be considered when choosing mobile phone. It is against these challenges that the topic 'factors influencing the users to choose the mobile phone service providers’ was chosen for study and also adding to academic sphere some knowledge on mobile phone users' behaviour. This study examined the factors that played significant role in the users’ choice process. The findings could help mobile service operators in their operation and strategic plan of marketing and also provide them with indicators for maximum utilization of resources. Therefore the study like the present one is much significance and essential for the mobile phone service providers to frame appropriate marketing strategies to widen their customer base.

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