
Sperm samples collected from 500 normal men were used to identify mo rphologic types and to determine the influence of certain factors on sex ratio. 2 types have been distinguished: a small roundheaded sperm which probably carries the Y chromosome (producing a male offspring) and a large ovalheaded sperm which carries the X chromosome (producing a female). Factors which influence the sex of offspring include speed (sm allheaded sperm are faster than ovalheaded) continence or lack thereof (oligospermia is associated with female offspring) and longevity (flavored by X-bearing sperm). Also interrelated is differential enviro nment with the cervix before and at ovulation; the cyclic variation in physical and chemical characteristics of the reproductive fluids influences behavior and longevity of X and Y sperm. Trials in animals and man have suggested that the easier the conditions for conception the greater the chances for males whereas the more difficult the conditions the greated the possibilities for females.

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