
Background: Under nutrition continues to be a primary cause of ill health among children in developing countries. Adequate nutrition is critical for optimal growth, health and development of children. Objectives of the present study were to assess the nutritional status and study its association with certain pertinent socio economic and demographic factors in private school students in an urban slum of Greater Hyderabad. Methods: It was a descriptive, cross-sectional study. Study area was an urban slum in greater Hyderabad. Five private schools were chosen by systematic random technique and study was finally done with 394 participants. Socio demographic details collection was followed by assessment of nutritional status by anthropometric measurements.Results: Among 394 students, 29 % students were found to be undernourished, 17% stunted, 10% wasted 2 % both stunted and wasted. This study shows highly significant association (P<0.05) of factors like per capita income, maternal illiteracy, maternal occupation and adequacy of maternal dietary knowledge with the child’s nutritional status.Conclusions: Under nutrition continues to be a threat to the wellbeing of urban slum children attending private schools. Maternal illiteracy, occupation, inadequacy of dietary knowledge and social class are significantly associated with nutritional status of children.

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