
Massive open online courses (MOOCs) have attracted recent scholarly attention, mainly because MOOCs have effectively made higher education accessible. However, MOOCs tend to have low completion rates, and many scholars have attempted to remedy this by investigating the psychological, cognitive, physiological, and demographic factors affecting completion rates. Nevertheless, most studies have rarely investigated the student’s information technology (IT) background, focusing instead on self-awareness, self-recognition, intrinsic motivation, or external factors. Thus, this study adopted the technology acceptance model (TAM) to explore factors affecting MOOC learning intention, specifically in advanced placement (AP) MOOCs. This study also recruited 435 student participants from a university in Taiwan who took MOOCs for AP. Questionnaires were used to analyze the factors affecting completion rates. The results revealed that personal and IT backgrounds significantly affected perceived ease of use (PEU); perceived usefulness (PU) significantly affected attitude toward use (ATU); PEU significantly affected ATU; PEU significantly affected PU; ATU significantly affected behavioral intention to use (BITU); PU significantly affected BITU; and BITU significantly affected course completion rates. The results suggest that universities first understand students’ personal and IT backgrounds before promoting their AP MOOCs, as this can assist students in their learning and provide the necessary support.". Furthermore, universities must also establish a complete course-provision process and formulate learning strategies to attract, guide, and inspire students to adapt to the learning modes that AP MOOCs entail. In doing so, students are more likely to perceive MOOC learning modes as being innovative and thus learn more effectively.

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