
Pekalongan City is an area that has a variety of traditional culinary, one of which is megono. Instant megono is a megono product that is preserved and produced by CV Anglur Selur Pekalongan City. This study aims to find out the factors that influence consumer behavior towards instant megono purchasing decisions. This study uses data analysis methods in the form of qualitative descriptive and quantitative analysis. Determination of the location of the study using the purposive sampling method while the determination of the sample of respondents used the accidental sampling method with 100 respondents. Data analysis uses multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the t-test show consumer habits (X1), family / friends / relatives as a reference (X2), income level (X3), lifestyle (X4), product price (X5), product availability (X6), self-confidence (X7), and self-encouragement (X8) significantly influenced the purchase decision of instant megono.

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