
Eating out has evolved from being a behavior associated with the mere benefit of functionality to a more hedonic one. It has become an act of socializing with preference of cuisines changing according to various parameters. The purpose of this study was to develop a model to understand the factors affecting the choice of cuisines while Indian consumers eat out. The study was conducted among 172 respondents from all over India using online surveys. The sample was identified through Quota sampling. Ordered logistic regressions were employed to find the influence of various factors like methods of seeking entertainment, reason(s) for eating out in a restaurant, expectations from a restaurant and personality, on the preference of cuisines such as Indian, Chinese, Italian, French and Arabic while eating out. The study reveals that these factors influence the preference of cuisines differently. For example, the personality of an individual has significant influence over the preference of Indian and Arabic cuisines while people who give more importance to the quality of food while eating out are more likely to prefer Indian cuisine. Furthermore, this study also reveals that as the age of people increases, their preference towards Indian cuisine increases whereas preference towards Italian cuisine decreases, while eating out. Young consumers who eat out for good food and variety of dishes are more likely to prefer Italian cuisine.

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