
The Corona Virus has become a world health problem in early 2020. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a disease that has never been previously identified in humans. Health workers who are at the forefront of handling Covid-19 have high psychological disorders, one of which is anxiety. The purpose is to identify the factors that influence anxiety in health workers during the Covid-19 pandemic. The databases used include Google Scholar, PubMed Central and ResearchGate. 528 articles were found based on selected keywords, the number of articles after duplication-checking was 164 articles. Then screening was carried out according to the inclusion criteria (n = 20) and a total of 144 articles were eliminated because they did not match the inclusion criteria. The number of articles following the due diligence test (n = 10) and 10 articles were eliminated because they did not meet the due diligence requirements. Then 10 articles were taken for review. The results showed that the factors that influence anxiety in health workers are gender, age, family status, availability of PPE, knowledge, contact with COVID-19 patients, chronic disease, a physical and psychological workload that threatens the health, cooperation between colleagues, working in an infectious isolation ward. Psychological disorders such as anxiety have long-term impacts and can affect the work efficiency of health workers. If this anxiety is not managed properly, it can affect the performance of health workers in dealing with Covid-19. The most dominant factors affecting anxiety are age, the availability of PPE and concerns about transmission


  • The results showed that the factors that influence anxiety in health workers are gender, age, family status, availability of PPE, knowledge, contact with COVID-19 patients, chronic disease, a physical and psychological workload that threatens the health, cooperation between colleagues, working in an infectious isolation ward

  • Pengaruh penerapan konsep team work dan budaya organisasi terhadap kinerja perawat (Studi pada rumah sakit umum daerah sunan kalijaga kabupaten Demak)

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Diterima Kelayakan

Hasil dari proses identifikasi metode pencarian database Google Scholar, PubMed Central dan ResearchGate didapatkan sebanyak 528 data hasil pencarian. jumlah artikel setelah ceking duplikasi sebanyak 164 artikel. Kemudian dilakukan skrining sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi (n=20) dan sebanyak 144 artikel dieliminasi karena tidak sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi. Jumlah artikel yang sesuai dengan uji kelayakan (n=10) dan sebanyak 10 artikel dieliminasi karena tidak memenuhi persyaratan uji kelayakan. Responden laki-laki sebanyak 3.948 orang (35,94 %) sedangkan jumlah responden perempuan sebanyak 6.550 orang (56,63 %) namun 1 artikel tidak mencantumkan karakterisitik responden berdasarkan jenis kelamin. Hasil review dari 10 artikel tersebut menunjukan bahwa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kecemasan pada tenaga kesehatan yaitu jenis kelamin, usia, status keluarga, ketersediaan APD, dan pengetahuan terhadap kecemasan tenaga kesehatan, tenaga medis yang pernah melakukan kontak langsung merawat pasien yang terinfeksi, mengidap penyakit kronis, beban kerja fisik dan psikis yang mengancam kesehatan, kekhawatiran tentang paparan SARS-CoV-2, kontak dengan pasien covid, bekerja di bangsal isolasi infeksius

Matrik sintesis
Jenis Kelamin
Status Pernikahan
Ketersediaan APD
Kontak Langsung
Kekhawatiran Penularan
Penyakit Kronis
Beban Kerja
Kerjasama antar Rekan Kerja
Hubei province fighting coronavirus disease
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