
Maternal and child health information forms cradle human right, that allow mothers to access quality and reliable health care hence, decrease morbidity and mortality rates, aimed to be achieved in global goals number 3 and 17 of 2015 by 2030. Globally over 80% of community households have limited access to effective, reliable, efficiency and quality Maternal & child health information, especially in Sub Saharan Africa ( SSA), and depends solely on health professionals and community health workers (CHWs), as their main sources of health information, with large diversified society of demographic, socio-economic and socio-cultural factors. The aim of this study was to determine factors influencing accessibility of maternal & child health information. Specifically to determine how health professions and community health workers influence accessibility of maternal health information, investigate association that exists between source of maternal & child health information received and health practices and establish how demographic and social cultural factors influence utilization of maternal health & Child information among rural women in Kenya, using cross sectional and descriptive design. Cluster sampling design was used to identify study participants, mothers with children aged 0-11 months. Results showed that, health professionals remain main source of health information (46.2%) followed by community health workers (32.9%), in Kenya However, since CHWs are accessible and reliable sources in rural areas, they form most efficient community health linkages with health facilities, so it’s important to empower them for sustainable healthcare at community level.

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