
Based on theories of impression management (Schlenker, 1980), an argument was made that services marketing is comprised of the strategic presentation of favorable attributes of an actor (the service provider) and favorable attributes of the situation (particular aspects of the service). One hundred ninety-nine subjects participated in a study assessing client perceptions of veterinary services. Using a 2 x 2 x 2 (Expense x Commonness of Procedure x Status of Service Provider) factorial design, subjects viewed one of eight videotapes portraying a veterinary procedure that was either expensive or inexpensive and either common or uncommon or uncommon which was conducted by either a high- or low-status veterinary professional. Subjects responded to sets of questions evaluating the service, the service provider, and the client. It was predicted that an attribute of the service provider would interact with one of the other attributes of the service to create the most favorable impression to clients. A significa...

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