
Hydrological regime and morphodynamics of the outlet part of the Kamchatka River, dynamics of mixing zone, patterns of juvenile Pacific salmon distribution and migration in the coastal waters of Kamchatsky Gulf in the zone of operating trap nets were analyzed on the results of complex field works prowided in summer period in 2018–2019; fishing and specifics of sockeye salmon spawning run in the river was described. In the course of analyzing the entire complex of available long-term data, an assessment of the likely impact of some key factors on the dynamics of anadromous migration of sockeye salmon in the Kamchatka River was made; biological statistics of spawners and current state of reproduction of this stock was demonstrated. It is found, that natural environmental factors, neither abiotic nor biotic (including fish health as population internal factor), could not cause disturbance of sockeye salmon spawning run dynamics in the Kamchatka River in recent years. Smoller body size and physiological imperfection of the spawners before the anadromous migration due to effects of high number of pink salmon in recent years are suggested to be the most likely cause of spawning run delay in late sockeye salmon morph. Regime of commercial use of the stock and general increasing pressure on the spawning stock by coastal fisheries are demonstrated to be the strongest outer factors to affect modern state of the resources and sockeye salmon population structure in the Kamchatka River, causing permanent escapement deficiency on spawning grounds in the river basin (first of all in the late morph), and also infact lead to disballance between different subpopulation groups in the composition of the stock. Recommendations in order to provide recovery and sustainable level of the Kamchatka River sockeye salmon stock are given in the perspective of more efficient commercial use of the stock next several years; highlights for further researches are outlined.


  • Hydrological regime and morphodynamics of the outlet part of the Kamchatka River, dynamics of mixing zone, patterns of juvenile Pacific salmon distribution and migration in the coastal waters of Kamchatsky Gulf in the zone of operating trap nets were analyzed on the results of complex field works prowided in summer period in

  • 2018–2019; fishing and specifics of sockeye salmon spawning run in the river was described

  • Recommendations in order to provide recovery and sustainable level of the Kamchatka River sockeye salmon stock are given in the perspective of more efficient commercial use of the stock several years; highlights for further researches are outlined

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Полевые работы проведены в нижнем течении и устьевой области р. Условные обозначения: 1 — вертикальные гидрологические зондирования; 2 — места установки датчиков уровня и температуры воды; 3 — створ измерения расходов воды; 4 — трек гидролого-гидроакустической съемки 07.07.2019; 5 — трек гидролого-гидроакустических съемок 15.07 и 31.07.2019; 6 — места отбора проб на гидрохимический состав воды; 7 — места отбора проб фитопланктона; 8 — место отбора проб нерки для оценки состояния здоровья рыб; 9 — места наблюдений за морскими млекопитающими; 10 — места аэронаблюдений за особенностями поведения лососей в зоне действия ставных неводов Fig. 1. Все первичные ГА-данные суммировали для отдельных участков акватории дистанцией 500 м и до границы зоны регистрации, которая могла существенно варьировать в зависимости от глубины моря в месте наблюдений и колебалась от 10 до 100 м, но в основном составляла 30‒40 м по перпендикуляру к оси движения судна. Отдельные методические аспекты сбора полевых данных, а также дополнительные источники информации по каждой из вышеуказанных задач будут указаны в соответствующих разделах с результатами исследований

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