
The two most commonly adopted strategies, rechlorination (addition of chlorine) and rechloramination (addition of chlorine and ammonia), to recover and stabilise chloramine from nitrification were comprehensively evaluated in laboratory- and full-scale systems. Laboratory-scale batch experiments were conducted in a nitrifying sample (~0.05 mg-N/L). In the full-scale service reservoir, repeated rechlorination was ineffective in suppressing nitrification and microbial chloramine decay during warmer months (>20 °C), even when rechlorination was started at nitrite <0.005 mg-N/L. Measurement of decay rates through microbial chloramine decay factor method provides a deeper understanding of a water sample than traditional nitrification indicators. The method has the ability to provide an early warning (one month in advance), show the presence of microbial chloramine decay in non-nitrified water and that of chloramine decaying proteins in any samples. In the batch sample, nitrification and the production of chloramine-decaying proteins and bacterial regrowth had to be suppressed to recover chloramine. Rechloramination (~2.5 mg/L) outperformed rechlorination, as it maintained a relatively higher chloramine concentration. Microbes were killed within 30 min of dosing chlor(am)ine, likely due to shock or compounds formed during chloramine formation reactions; however, microbes regrew (or survive) to a different degree in all samples despite the prolonged presence of chloramine (large CxT), defying the CxT concept. The key to the recovery of chloramine appears to be consistently maintaining chloramine >1.7 mg/L and shocking with a high chloramine dose. The findings will assist water utilities in designing and assessing the effectiveness of nitrification remediation strategies in chloraminated water supply systems.

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