
The use of information to support marketing decisions making is increasingly recognized. The majority of the advertising campaigns are built on insufficient and inadequate information. Especially on media planning practices adopts by ad-agencies in delivering the advertisements in media become complicated due to media explosion. The media planners have highlighted the need to utilize information available and held by their clients for effective anticipation and its developments media plan to gain competitive advantage over others. The main purpose of conducting brief meeting is to formally evaluate the current state/progress, growth of brands and its market structure in the light of the brand intention of the clients. If there is difference in perception of information sharing by ad-agencies and clients in the initial stage of media planning will dilute the company objectives which is hoping to achieve through media. The research findings of this paper highlights the brief meeting take place between the ad-agencies and clients can be considered a checklist and guide for the media planner. It always better for the clients to have understanding with ad-agencies in sharing information and consider ad-agencies as partners of their business.


  • Media planning is defined as “the process of designing a course of action that shows how advertising time and space will be used to contribute to the achievement of marketing objectives”

  • To test the above objectives the following the hypothesis are framed: 1. There is no significant difference between ad-agencies and clients in respect of their ranking sum scores of the issues considered in media initial / brief meeting

  • Ho:There is no significant difference between Ad-agencies and Clients in respect of their rank sum scores of the ‘Issues considered in Media Initial / Brief Meeting’

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Media planning is defined as “the process of designing a course of action that shows how advertising time and space will be used to contribute to the achievement of marketing objectives” In carrying out a media-planning programme certain essential steps in advertising planning are followed with regard to advertising objectives, strategies, tactics, and all servicing to define its purpose of advertisement campaign. Before the media plan is worked out, certain steps are taken to carry out an effective media plan. The ad-agencies and the clients gather information for analysis. On the basis of the information gathered, the analysis is made for sound media selection, audience selection, target market selection, and the message intended to communicate to the target group are decided. “The first step in any media planning is the collection of useful information about the people or the market to be reached through advertising” (Chunawalla, S.A. Sethia K.C.1995)

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