
Little is known about the implementation of voluntary policies in the homes of Black/African American women smokers who live in rural areas where health care access is limited. This paper examines 1) the sample's prevalence of comprehensive smoke-free rules; 2) sociodemographic, social, and smoking characteristics of women by home rule type; and 3) the association of social indicators with the outcome complete ban on smoked tobacco use in the home (n = 191). Families Rising to Enforce Smokefree Homes collected baseline data from 2019 to 2021 prior to randomization to an intervention that aimed to increase comprehensive smokefree policies in the homes African American women living in the rural Delta region of Arkansas. The primary outcome was implementation of a complete ban on all smoked tobacco products anywhere inside the home. Results showed that 26% of women had a rule that completely banned all smoked tobacco products in the home. Women who reported having no ban were more likely to be employed part-time (50.0%), while women with a partial (66.9%) or complete ban (60.0%) were more likely to not currently work for pay. Women who indicated that they just meet basic expenses and meet needs with little left had significantly lower odds of having a complete ban on smoked tobacco in the home than women who indicated that they live comfortably. Perceived financial security may be a motivating factor that helps women keep their homes free from all smoked tobacco products (# NCT03476837).

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