
Scabies is a contagious disease caused by the mite called Sarcoptes scabiei variety hominis, which is characterized by itching at night and the appearance of tunnels and rashes on the skin. Scabies is caused by various factors, both environmental factors and individual or community factors. The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors associated with scabies in Indonesian Islamic boarding schools. This research was a literature review with simplified approach. The Literature searches were conducted through online databases such as Google Scholar, Neliti, and Garuda, then obtained 148 articles that fit to keywords. The inclusion criteria were articles that aimed to determine factors associated with scabies in Indonesian Islamic boarding schools, published between 2010-2020, and indexed at least SINTA 4. From 148 articles that obtained, there were 52 full text articles that fit to the title, but only 18 articles fit the inclusion criteria. The results of this literature review from 18 articles showed that environmental factors (occupancy density, humidity, lighting, ventilation, temperature, provision of clean water, and environmental hygiene) and individual or community factors (gender, age, personal hygiene, level of education, level of knowledge, socio-economic conditions, and contact with sufferers) were associated with scabies in Indonesian Islamic boarding schools. The most dominant environmental factor associated with the scabies was occupancy density. Meanwhile, the most dominant individual or community factor associated with scabies was personal hygiene.

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