
Research has found that non-Hispanic black (black) participants have higher attrition rates than non-Hispanic white (white) participants in behavioral weight loss programs. Exploratory predictor variables among two samples of black and white obese females ages 19 to 71 (Study 1: n=100 and Study 2: n=174) were entered into linear and logistic regressions with race/ethnicity and an interaction term to determine if there were differential factors between racial/ethnic groups related to number of sessions attended and attrition. Both studies used meal replacements for weight loss followed by randomization to different weight loss maintenance conditions. Study 1 involved inperson group treatment, and Study 2 involved individual, telephone-based treatment. In Study 1, black participants (n=37) attended significantly fewer sessions than white participants (n=63) and had higher rates of attrition as well; in Study 2 there was no significant difference between black (n=139) and white participants (n=35) in sessions at ended or attrition. When data from the two studies were combined, results similar to Study 1 were found. Significant main effects were found such that lower disinhibition and higher perceived hunger was associated with lower attendance. Additionally, higher BMI and better work quality of life was associated with worse participation. Significant interactions of predictor variables and race were found such that black participants higher in BMI attended fewer sessions and black participants who lost more weight early on in treatment attended more sessions. Black participants lower in age and white participants with better work quality of life had worse participation. These preliminary data provide insights into racial/ethnic differences in factors associated with participation and can guide future research to identify factors to address initially to promote participation in black and white participants in treatments using different formats.%%%%M.S., Clinical Psychology  – Drexel University, 2010

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