
Low birth weight (LBW)is defined by the WHO as a birth weighing less than 2500 g (5.5 lb). The highest burden of any nation is LBW infants. In countries where the frequencyof neonatebabies is high, short gestation is a major cause. LBW babies have an 11-13 times greater risk of delayed developmental milestones and other medical diagnoses. Greater than the globalincidence, LBW prevalence is a severe public health problem in India. A comprehensive literature search was conducted using internet sources like PubMed, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, and Google Scholar. The words "birth weight," "abnormal birth weight," "LBWs," "neonates," "premature birth," "risks factors," "causes," "factors," "prevalence," and "frequency" weresearched.In this review, we examine the causes of LBW, implementation of pre-birth prevention strategies, and post-birth multifaceted health promotion interventions. The mother's knowledge, dietary requirements, and prenatal services need to be addressed to decrease the prevalence of LBWs among tribal districts of India.

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