
The Push-Pull-Mooring (PPM) model employ to explore the factors that affect the switching intention of mobile game players by analyzing the online survey data of 240 mobile game players in China. From the perspective of PPM model, Dissatisfaction with the current mobile game can promote players to leave the current mobile game, and other more attractive mobile games can pull players out of the current mobile game. As a mooring factor, habit can affect players' switching decisions. Players who have formed strong habits in current mobile games are more likely to resist or ignore the attractiveness of other mobile games and stay in the current mobile games rather than migrate to other mobile games. Another result shows that the more dissatisfied with the current mobile game, the higher the quality of alternative (relative challenge) mobile game, and the lower the investment size in the current mobile game, the more reluctant the players are to continue to maintain the relationship with the current mobile game. The higher the player's commitment to the current mobile game, the more likely it is to maintain the relationship with the current mobile game. The empirical results show that the framework of this study is highly consistent with the results of PPM model, and confirming that they can well apply to mobile game situations.

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