
The administration of intravenous levetiracetam (IV-LEV) serves as a significant therapeutic approach for managing seizures in pediatric patients. The major factors that are involved in the equation determinants contain pharmacokinetic parameters, such as dosage regimen, drug interactions, and patient-specific factors including age, weight, and underlying comorbidities. Furthermore, attention is given to potential adverse effects, including hypersensitivity reactions, renal impairment, and central nervous system manifestations. Clinical trials, observational studies, and pharmacovigilance data contribute to a comprehensive evaluation of the drug’s safety, shedding light on optimal dosing strategies and risk mitigation techniques. Understanding these intricate factors is paramount for healthcare providers to ensure efficacious seizure control while minimizing potential harms associated with IV-LEV administration in children. This abstract examines the multifaceted factors that influence the safety profile of IV-LEV in this vulnerable pediatric population. This literature review explores the various factors influencing the safety profile of intravenous levetiracetam (IV-LEV) in its application for seizure management in pediatric patients. Based upon a comprehensive analysis of peer-reviewed articles, clinical trials, and observational studies, the review synthesizes findings related to pharmacokinetic variables, dosage considerations, and potential drug interactions. Additionally, patient-specific determinants, encompassing age-related variations, weight-based dosing implications, and the impact of comorbid conditions, are critically evaluated.

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