
Aim. The presented study aims to investigate the essence of factors and the degree of their influence. Based on this information, the authors aim to determine criteria for identifying classification features and to substantiate the need for a clear ranking of these factors as part of a general methodology for assessing the quality of commercial services.Tasks. The study analyzes existing scientific approaches to the classification of factors affecting the quality of commercial services, develops an original classification, and proposes measures aimed at reducing the negative impact on the overall level of commercial services.Methods. This study is based on the principles of fundamental theoretical and practical research in the field of systematization of factors affecting the quality of service and the degree of their influence, as well as theoretical methods of cognition, including deduction and abstraction.Results. Several scientific approaches of Russian scientists and economists to the classification of factors affecting the quality of commercial services and the overall level of commercial services are investigated. An original classification of factors is developed, and a correlation between the quality of services and the competitiveness of the enterprise is revealed. Consumer perception of the quality of commercial services under the influence of external and internal factors is investigated. Measures aimed at reducing the negative impact of factors on the quality of commercial services are proposed.Conclusions. The proposals formulated in the study can be used in identifying tools and methods for analyzing the quality of commercial services as well as in developing a general methodology for assessing the level of commercial services within the framework of existing regulatory legal acts, including state standards.

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