
E-commerce has emerged as a transformative force in the global business landscape, offering enormous opportunities for businesses to expand their reach and enhance their competitiveness. In the context of Vietnam, a rapidly growing economy in Southeast Asia, understanding the factors that influence businesses' intention to participate in e-commerce is extremely important. Therefore, we have proposed a research model including 12 factors that affect businesses' intention to participate in e-commerce: Government regulations, Available platform selection, Competitive advantage requirement, Internet infrastructure, Customer readiness, Cognition, Capability, Culture of innovation, Internal regulations, Model to participate, Infrastructure, Technology background. We conducted a survey with 300 businesses in 3 regions in Vietnam. After eliminating some votes with insufficient information, the study obtained 295 votes that met the requirements. In addition, the study uses multiple linear regression equation modeling to measure the impact of factors on businesses' intention to participate in e- commerce. Results: Besides external factors, businesses' intention to participate in e-commerce is also influenced by internal factors. Based on these findings, businesses intending to participate in the e-commerce market will have the right direction and take necessary actions to help their businesses develop further.

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