
Conversion from conventional agriculture production to organic farming methods has become a positive trend in Tuyen Quang, a mountainous northern province in Viet Nam. In the recent years, the local authorities and many households have shown many efforts to convert the production area of oranges and grapefruits into organic farming. Although, the results have not met the expectation, the local government still encourages farmers follow organic production because of its benefits. The study used descriptive statistical methods and conducted interviews with 120 organic and 120 conventional production households. By using logistic regression model, this study pointed out positive factors affecting famers’ organic conversion decision that includes oranges and grapefruits cultivation size, profits from oranges and grapefruits, organic production technical training. Some recommendations are proposed to promote the transition from conventional production to organic agriculture are increasing awareness training on organic agriculture for farmers, planning of organic production areas, enhancing trade promotion and market connection activities in order to increase the consumption of organic products.

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