
Sustainable Food House (Kawasan Rumah Pangan Lestari/KRPL) is one of the programs to accelerate food consumption diversification (Percepatan Penganekaragaman Konsumsi Pangan/P2KP) to fulfill food needs in Indonesia. This study aims to describe the implementation, analyze optimization, and determine the factors that influence the optimization of the KRPL program in Farmer Women Group (Kelompok Wanita Tani/KWT) Migunani. The data were collected through interviews, observation, and documentation. All members of the KWT Migunani, of which as many as 27 people, are taken as respondents. The analysis was done using descriptive analytics to identify the factors that influence the optimization. The results showed that the program implementation was successful, as indicated by 78.6% of KWT members who were active in group activities, agriculture, and high-level extension workers. T Program optimization is also sufficiently implemented (score 2.73 out of a maximum score of 5), seen from indicators of the number of commodities and technology, the use of more yards, and additional food supply for families. The internal factors that affect the optimization are formal education, family income, cosmopolitan rate, and motivation; while the external factors are the intensity of extension, availability of production facilities, and member involvement in KWT.

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