
Climate Change Induced Transboundary Displaced Persons (CCITDPs) are people who are forced to leave their own country permanently because of adverse effects of climate change such as submergence of homeland by sealevel rise. The type of displacement anticipated by climate change implications is analogous to forced displacement resulting from war, conflict within a country, development projects, industrial accidents, and natural disasters. This study aims to identify the unique aspects of CCITDPs. We developed suggestions regarding how CCITDPs may re-establish their livelihoods by themselves after relocation. People displaced by slow-onset sea-level rise have as many as two to three decades to plan for resettlement, which may let them prepare well for livelihood re-establishment after resettlement. Relocation of CCITDPs may take a few decades; therefore, CCITDPs may learn from those pioneers who moved to a new country first what their possible destination is like. Lack of a responsible body for climate change and the subsequent paucity of funds for relocating CCITDPs is a unique and major difficulty for CCITDPs. Some CCITDPs may view their forced migration as emancipation from conventional thought and old customs, or as a chance to secure a new job. It is desirable to show CCITDPs that their inevitable relocation may be an opportunity rather than a miserable fate.

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