
In this study, we analyzed inulin crystallization during one year after its complete dissolution and an effect of inulin crystal seeds concentration on rheological and textural properties of inulin gels. 20% and 25% solutions of three different inulins, one native and two high performance (crystal and amorphous), were prepared by heating at 100°C for 5min. During one year of storage at 20°C, inulin did not form a gel structure, but only precipitates and a crystal layer on the walls of the containers. Addition of crystal seeds (0.02–2%) caused formation of gel structure. Minimal concentration of the crystal seeds necessary to form a strong inulin gel was 0.4%. Crystallographic structure of inulin powder did not have an influence on the formed gels. The obtained results allow inulin gelation to control which can be crucial in novel foods, the structure of which is based on inulin.

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