
The effects of solution:soil ratio, major cations present in soils, and the ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA):lead stoichiometric ratio on the extraction of lead using EDTA were studied for three different Superfund site soils, one rifle range soil, and one artificially lead-contaminated soil. Extraction of lead from the lead-contaminated soils was not affected by a solution:soil ratio as low as 3:1 but instead was dependent on the quantity of EDTA present. Results of the experiments showed that the extraction efficiencies were different for each soil. If sufficiently large amount of EDTA was applied (EDTA–Pb stoichiometric ratio greater than 10), most of the lead were extracted for all soils tested except for a Superfund site soil from a lead mining area. The differences in extraction efficiencies may be due to the major cations present in soils which may compete with lead for active sites on EDTA. For example, iron ions most probably competed strongly with lead for EDTA ligand sites for pH less than 6. In addition, copper and zinc may potentially compete with lead for EDTA ligand sites. Experimental results showed that addition of EDTA to the soil resulted in a very large increase in metals solubility. The total molar concentrations of major cations extracted were as much as 20 times the added molar concentration of EDTA. For some of the soils tested, lead may have been occluded in the iron oxides present in the soil which may affect lead extraction. While major cations present in the soil may be one of the factors affecting lead extraction efficiency, the type of lead species present also play a role.

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