
Career selection is about the career choice of an individual which should be according to the skills and aptitude of that individual in combination with his/her interests. This research was conducted to show the involvement of parents, societal values as well as the results of lack of career guidance and counseling programs. It was carried out through a survey of BS students of the Faculty of Social Sciences. The research is significant for parents as well as teachers to guide the students towards the right path while choosing their career. The data depicted that force from parents in career selection of their child is very dominant. Besides, lack of career guidance and counseling programs result in difficulties for students. Students choose career either by inspirations or based on their aspirations. There are too many fields but lack of guidance and counseling leads students to follow either what their elders want them to, or to follow their inspirations and aspirations. Career counseling programs are recommended for the students at an early stage which is very necessary and becoming the demand of the society as there are too many emerging fields.

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