
Wheat is one of the most important cereal crops in Ethiopia. However, low production and productivity of wheat, which is mainly associated with poor adoption of technologies, is persistent in Ethiopia. In this regard, this study was conducted with the aim to find out the adoption level of wheat row planting technology and to identify factors that affect the adoption of wheat row planting in Girar Jarso woreda, North Shew zone, Oromia regional State, Ethiopia. In order to achieve these objectives, 118 rural households were selected by using three stage sampling procedure. Both primary and secondary data were used. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and binary logistic regression model. The study result shows that about 45.76% and 54.24% of sample respondents were found to be adopter and non-adopter of wheat row planting technology respectively. A binary logistic regression model result shows that, age of the household head, education level of household, year of farming experience; total labor availability, total annual income and frequency of extension contact were found to be significant in affecting the adoption of wheat row planting. Therefore, the study recommends, the government, development workers, and policymakers should consider the provision of education and extension services. This study also suggests that, policymakers and development organizations should consider infrastructure development (particularly access to markets), and credit is important.

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