
We consider the factorization problem in toy models of holography, in SYK and in Matrix Models. In a theory with fixed couplings, we introduce a fictitious ensemble averaging by inserting a projector onto fixed couplings. We compute the squared partition function and find that at large N for a typical choice of the fixed couplings it can be approximated by two terms: a “wormhole” plus a “pair of linked half-wormholes”. This resolves the factorization problem.We find that the second, half-wormhole, term can be thought of as averaging over the imaginary part of the couplings. In SYK, this reproduces known results from a different perspective. In a matrix model with an arbitrary potential, we propose the form of the “pair of linked half-wormholes” contribution. In GUE, we check that errors are indeed small for a typical choice of the hamiltonian. Our computation relies on a result by Brezin and Zee for a correlator of resolvents in a “deterministic plus random” ensemble of matrices.

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