
Résumé For a finite extension F of ${\mathbf Q}_p$ , Drinfeld defined a tower of coverings of (the Drinfeld half-plane). For $F = {\mathbf Q}_p$ , we describe a decomposition of the p-adic geometric étale cohomology of this tower analogous to Emerton’s decomposition of completed cohomology of the tower of modular curves. A crucial ingredient is a finiteness theorem for the arithmetic étale cohomology modulo p whose proof uses Scholze’s functor, global ingredients, and a computation of nearby cycles which makes it possible to prove that this cohomology has finite presentation. This last result holds for all F; for $F\neq {\mathbf Q}_p$ , it implies that the representations of $\mathrm{GL}_2(F)$ obtained from the cohomology of the Drinfeld tower are not admissible contrary to the case $F = {\mathbf Q}_p$ .

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