
The effect of extrusion temperature profile in the melt‐spinning process of as‐spun linear aliphatic–aromatic co‐polyester (AAC) fibres upon their mechanical properties and process productivity was modelled by using factorial experimental designs. After the viscoelastic and morphology characteristics of the polymer were considered using Differential Scanning Calorimetry and Melt Flow Index (MFI), the rheological data were used to determine the enhanced melt‐spinning temperature of the six heating zones in the process. Tensile strength, elongation at break, modulus and fibre productivity (g/min) of the melt‐spinning process have been quantitatively assessed as responses to polymer grades and extrusion zone temperature. The optimisation of mechanical properties and productivity helps in understanding and controlling the most desired properties in the produced fibre. It has been noted that the die head temperature (spinning temperature), the polymer grade and their interaction are the most significant factors affecting the mechanical properties. Analysis of the fibre productivity shows that the polymer grade and its interaction with the die head temperature is significant in terms of influencing the output of the melt‐spinning process, which could be related to the polymer molecular weight and polymer structure. There is an interaction between polymer grade and feeding zone temperature which is related to the material supply action in the feeding zone. The friction between the screw and the material is affected by heating action, which affects the moisture content and the molten material rheology. By adjusting the extrusion temperature profile and selecting the more applicable spin‐able polymer grade through a statistical forecasting model, the combination of the cost related to material grade and processing cost controls the fibre production cost. The fibre made of low MFI grade has better structure and mechanical properties than that made of the higher MFI grade, and the former will be preferred for future work. With previous work related to the effects of extrusion temperature profile on the fibre structure, the present paper will help in developing the production process of biodegradable linear AAC fibres.

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