
Presented for 64 Ss a replication of the Family Environment Scale's maximum likelihood factor structure for which the two-factor, Varimax-rotated solution was found to be stable when the correlations among the subscales were corrected for the effects of social desirability response bias. As reported previously (Fowler, 1981), the first bipolar dimension, "cohesion vs. conflict," measures relationship-centered concerns, while the second bipolar axis "organization-control," reflects basic system-maintenance properties of family activity. These two factors are comparable to others reported in small-group research, parent-child interaction studies, and human communication investigations. A comprehensive statistical model of the Family Environment Scale can be constructed where the semantic space of the 10 subscales reflects the two supraordinate concepts of "interpersonal cohesion" and "control." It is not yet known to what extent the modeling of this impression-space can be expanded to reveal dependencies on imminent (familial and individual) cognitive and personality schemata.

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