
ABSTRACT Factor analysis of 35 factors in 162 experiments was conducted for carting out timber from the forest to a forest products mill using the method of identifying stable patterns. The sampling power of the total correlation matrix was 352 = 1225 values of the correlation index for the identified stable patterns. According to the identified patterns of rank-size distributions and binary relations, the number of pre-selected factors decreased from 35 to 24 in summer (68.57%) and to 25 in winter (71.43%) using the proposed method of factor analysis. Basically, factors with a correlation index of less than 0.3 were excluded. Structural indicators become a system parameter of the set of regularities of binary relations, which decrease with an increase in the “permissible” correlation index. In total there are 1190 pairs of binary relations. According to the research results, among the influencing variables, the factor “type of snow and ice cover” was in first place, “number of the month in the year” was in second place, and “time of operation of the logging truck” was in third place. Among the dependent indicators in comparison with the general correlation matrix and the matrix of strong connections, the first and second places were: “the height of the snow cover (off the road)”; the given eastern longitude. The factor “the wheel formula of the logging truck” was in third place.

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