
The purpose of our research is: to show the role of facilitation at the educationalprocess at secondary school and to distinguish its main aspects; to underline theprinciples of the influence of perception on the process of studying English byschoolchildren.Methods of the research. The following theoretical methods of the researchwere used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: a categorical method,structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization,modeling, generalization. The results of the research. In our research we mean facilitation as aperson-centered approach, expressed in a global trust of a person, postulatingthe actual tendency to grow, to develop and to realize his / her individualpotential. It was shown that facilitation is a key concept of non-directive,client-centered or person-centered psychotherapy developed by C. Rogers.For understanding a sense of facilitative interaction the main principles of thetheory of C. Rogers are: faith in original, constructive and creative wisdom of aman; the belief in the content of socio-personal nature means the actualizationof the constructive personal potential of the individual in the processes ofinterpersonal communication; the main are the concepts of «necessary andsufficient conditions» of the interpersonal communication, facilitating personaldevelopment and providing constructive personal changes («unconditionalpositive acceptance of another person», «active empathic listening», «congruentself-expression in communication»); the idea of the natural stages of the courseof the group process that occurs in the indicated social and personal conditions,and of its equally regular therapeutic results.It was underlined that it was very important for our research to distinguishbetween two types of learning (teaching): meaningless content and meaningfulsense. The doctrine of the first type is compulsory, impersonal, intellectualized,evaluated from the outside, aimed at the assimilation of knowledge. The doctrineof the second type, on the contrary, is free and self-initiated, personally involved,affecting the whole personality, evaluated by the pupil himself/herself, with theaim to provide the assimilation of meanings as elements of personal experience.The main tasks of a teacher are stimulation and initiation (facilitation) ofmeaningful learning.Conclusions. It was determined that socio-genetic mechanism of culturetransmission was: to facilitate, to stimulate, to activate, to create favorableconditions, to give changes and make influences, to support, to help, to care, etc.Person’s aspects of facilitation are: beliefs in the original, constructive and creativewisdom of man as a value. Formative influence of facilitation as a process is:conviction in the socio-personal nature that actualizes the constructive personalpotential of the individual in the process of interpersonal communication. Aresult of facilitation is: the concept of the necessary and sufficient conditions forinterpersonal communication, facilitating personal development and providingconstructive personal changes.Procedural side of facilitation at the English lessons at secondary schoolcomprises the principles of synergy – cooperation, interaction, a dialogue; truth and openness; acceptance and truth; empathic understanding; skills formation.The principles of facilitation in the process of interpersonal communication atthe English lessons are: the development of the individual educational route, toprovoke changes of pupils’ person through a series of bifurcations, stimulatingthem to the process of creation, creating for this the conditions for interaction,proposing various feedbacks between the subjects of learning (mutual survey –dialogue, interview, group forms of communication and training, etc.); conclusionsaccording to individual and group contracts with pupils, organization of thelearning process in dyads, forming communication groups, creating conditionsfor the formation of meaningful learning and personal development in general.

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