
Technology infusion into NASA programs and projects is a priority for NASA’s Innova­ tive Partnerships Program (IPP). A big challenge to technology infusion is the perceived risk by program/project managers, and they generally desire technologies to be at technology readiness level (TRL) 6 by their preliminary design review (PDR). A key element of achiev­ ing TRL 6 is demonstrating a technology in the relevant environment, including the gravity environment – from microgravity to lunar or Martian gravity levels. IPP is initiating a new activity – Facilitated Access to the Space environment for Technology development and training (FAST) – to provide more opportunities for advancing TRLs by providing partner­ ship opportunities to demonstrate technologies in these environments. Currently, space technology development often stalls at the mid-technology readiness levels due to lack of op­ portunities to test prototypes in relevant environments. In addition, limited testing opportu­ nities often have high associated costs or require lengthy waits. NASA recently selected a commercial service provider for parabolic aircraft flight to simulate multiple gravity envi­ ronments. FAST will purchase services through this new procurement mechanism and pro­ vide partnership opportunities aimed at advancing needed space technologies to higher technology readiness levels (TRL). The objective is to provide advanced technologies with risk levels that enable more infusion, meeting the priorities of NASA’s Mission Directorates and their Programs and Projects.

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