
Convenient one-pot synthetic route for the fabrication of carbon dots (CDs) from Tagetes erecta flower (TEF), named as “TEF-CDs’, through solvo(hydro)-thermal carbonization of the TEF was developed. The TEF-CDs revealed high selectivity towards chlorpyrifos and quinalphos, acting as a fluorescent probe. The CDs synthesized from T. erecta flower showed a strong blue color at 495 nm when excited at 420 nm, along with the exhibition of a strong quantum yield of 63.7%. The synthesized CDs revealed their richness in the surface-active organic group that synthesized CDs from T. erecta flower are mainly comprised of C, O, and N, which were crystalline in structure that was revealed by TEM image and XRD spectra. Furthermore, when the probe was exposed to different pH conditions, no major noticeable changes were recorded. Moreover, when the probe was exposed to chlorpyrifos and quinalphos, we have noticed that fluorescence spectra was turned off when the probe was exposed to chlorpyrifos and “turned on” after the exposure quinalphos. Moreover, fluorescence spectral changes showed a good linearity with chlorpyrifos and quinalphos concentrations in the range of 0.05–100.0 μM for chlorpyrifos and 0.01–50.0 μM for quinalphos. The limit of detection are 2.1 ng mL−1 and 1.7 ng mL−1 for chlorpyrifos and quinalphos, respectively. Finally, the TEF-CDs-based fluorescent nanoprobe was successfully applied to estimate chlorpyrifos and quinalphos with an effective accuracy in rice and fruit samples with rapid detection time.

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