
The identification of new colloidal sol-gel routes for the preparation of actinide oxides, which have a homogeneous and accessible porosity that can easily be impregnated by any concentrated actinide solution, opens new perspectives for the preparation of homogeneous nuclear fuel for minor actinide transmutation. This homogeneity allows us to avoid "hot spot" formation due to the local accumulation of more fissile elements. Here, we report the preparation of macro-microporous ThO2 materials by a colloidal sol-gel route. Using a thorium salt with 6-aminocaproic acid as a complexing agent at a controlled pH, we were able to pilot the condensation of thorium hydroxo species forming colloids of tuned nanometric size and thus the sol stability. After a freeze-drying process to concentrate colloids and a thermal treatment allowing complexing agent removal and macroporosity formation by a brutal gas release during combustion, a loose packing of ThO2 nanoparticles with an ordered distribution of interparticular porosity and a fraction of nanometric crystallites, whose size depends on the initial colloidal size, were obtained. The sols, pastes, and final materials were characterized by small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering to determine the colloidal size and the final structure of the materials, which was also confirmed by transmission electron microscopy. The most promising material was finally successfully impregnated by a simulating minor actinide solution and thermally treated to prepare a mixed actinide oxide material. This safe technology, relying on the colloidal sol-gel process and the formulation of complex fluids forming tunable precursors, opens new perspectives for the reuse of nuclear waste solutions as new fuel.

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