
The Upper Permian Emmaville Volcanics at Deepwater, northeastern New South Wales, consist of a diverse succession of calc‐alkaline silicic‐intermediate ignimbrites, volcaniclastics and minor lavas. This 2.5 km‐thick sequence underlies and outcrops extensively along the northern margin of the Dundee Rhyodacite Outlier at Dundee. Detailed mapping and facies analysis have revealed eight locally mappable units namely; Magistrate Volcanic Member (rhyolitic ignimbrites), Wollundi Mudstone Member, Dellwood Ignimbrite Member, Marrawarra Rhyolite Member, Top‐Crossing Sandstone Member, Arranmor Ignimbrite Member, Yarramundi Andesite Member (lava, breccia) and Welcome Volcanic Member (rhyolitic ignimbrites). All volcanic units are contained in two fault‐bounded blocks of different lithology and structure. The volcanic succession ranges in composition from andesite to high‐silica rhyolite (58.6–78% SiO2). Chemical characteristics include enrichment in K2O (>3.5%), Al2O3 and large‐ion lithophile elements (LILE: Rb, K and light rare‐earth elements (LREE)), and depletion in high field strength elements (HFSE: Ti, Nb and Zr). These geochemical attributes reflect a continental subduction‐related signature. The facies architecture indicates that the principal volcanic features of the Late Permian palaeogeography in northeastern New South Wales was a topographically subdued depression flanked by low‐angle ignimbrite sheets with rhyolitic‐intermediate volcanic centres rising gently from the sloping terrain. The succession demonstrates that during the Late Permian andesitic volcanism was present, although localised. A modern analogue for the setting of the Emmaville Volcanics is the Quaternary Taupo Volcanic Zone (New Zealand).

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