
ABSTRACT The Sylhet trough located on the north-eastern margin of present Bengal basin, contains ~22 km of Tertiary sediments and well known as a hydrocarbon producing province. A detailed facies characterization of the subsurface Miocene Surma Group sediments (especial emphasis on reservoirs sandstones) from Jalalabad gas field within the Sylhet trough has been done using core log analysis and wireline log (gamma ray) interpretation. Texture and sedimentary structures of the cores suggests that the nine individual lithofacies types which can be grouped together into three facies associations, namely, fine-grained facies associations (FFA), medium-grained facies association (MFA) and coarse-grained facies associations (CFA). Major changes in gamma ray log motifs and various bounding discontinuities indicate six para-sequence sets (basin wide) and twenty eight para-sequences (local environmental changes) within the depth range from 2200-2800 m. Detailed facies analysis of the cores and wireline log reveals that the interbedding facies within the associations in the Surma Group commonly develop small-scale fining-upward (FU) cycles, coarsening-upward (CU) and random intercalations (RD). The sediments of the Surma Group of the Jalalabad field have been interpreted as deposits of the shallow marine to tide-dominated deltaic depositional setting. The cyclic nature of sedimentation pattern of the Surma Group probably records an almost continuous existence of this prograding deltaic regime and a tectonic setting characterized by a mixture of prolonged basin subsidence and regional transgression coupled with sporadic regressive phases.

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