
In the Korkuteli area of the western Taurides, Upper Cretaceous sequences consist of the neritic and hemipelagic Beydaglari Formation and the pelagic Akdag Formation. These formations show important facies variations and stratigraphic gaps. The Beydaglari Formation, ranging in age from Cenomanian to Santonian, is approximately 600 m thick, and is composed mainly of platform-type neritic carbonates. Five microfacies indicating tidal-flat, subtidal (lagoonal), reef, and forereef subenvironments are distinguished in the neritic carbonates of the formation. Benthic foraminifera and rudists are the main biological components that provide information about the environment and age of the unit. In addition, cryptalgal lamination also is recognized as an important tool in determining environment. The uppermost part of the Beydaglari Formation is composed of hemipelagic carbonates (a sixth microfacies), which were deposited under basinal conditions. The Akdag Formation consists of planktonic foraminifera-bearing pelagic carbonates, suggesting a Campanian-Maastrichtian age and deposition as a basinal facies. The formation disconformably overlies the Beydaglari Formation along an erosional surface. Eocene transgressive pelagic clayey carbonates of the Ulucak Formation unconformably overlie the Upper Cretaceous carbonate sequences. Detailed investigations have shown that, at least in the studied part of the autochthonous unit, the platform began to drown during the Santonian and that a true basinal environment persisted from the Campanian to the Maastrichtian. Two erosional phases are recorded; one occurred after the Santonian and is characterized by a prominent erosional surface, and the other is responsible for the post-Cretaceous regression.

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